Chicken Postmortem and Sampling Form Chicken Postmortem and Sampling Form 1. Basic Information Farm Name: Date of Postmortem: Name of Veterinarian/Technician: Flock ID/Batch Number: Age of Birds: Bird Type and Breed: Number of Birds Sampled: 2. History of Flock Health Clinical Signs Observed: Mortality Rate: Previous Treatments/Medications: Feed and Water Intake: Environmental Conditions: 3. External Examination Body Condition: Thin Moderate Good External Lesions: Feather Condition: Eyes, Beak, and Comb Condition: Vent Condition: 4. Internal Examination (Necropsy Findings) SystemCondition Respiratory System Digestive System Liver and Spleen Heart and Blood Vessels Kidneys and Urinary Tract Muscle and Skeletal System Reproductive System Other Abnormal Findings 5. Sample Collection Type of Samples Collected: Sample Preservation Method: Purpose of Sample: Number of Samples Collected: 6. Laboratory Test Requests Specific Tests Needed: Suspected Diseases for Testing: 7. Preliminary Diagnosis and Remarks Preliminary Diagnosis: Recommendations for Further Testing: Remarks and Observations: 8. Signature and Certification Veterinarian/Technician Signature: Date of Report Submission: Submit and Display Report Postmortem Report Print or Save as PDF